Since 2008 children in Coeur d’Alene have delighted in this local story and walked the trail from statue to statue (by local artist Terry Lee). The first book (by local author Susan Nipp) was written as a tribute to Coeur d’Alene, literacy, the library, and children.
The adventures continue as Mudgy & Millie travel to Australia, Costa Rica, Africa and Hawaii. As each book in the series is written, illustrated, and published, Susan and the Library Foundation give away hundreds of paperback editions to local children and school libraries. We know that children who have their own books in their own homes are more likely to become proficient readers and the Library Foundation is committed to every child reading at grade level by third grade.
We’re asking you to help us continue this invaluable program by underwriting the costs of printing (Author Susan Nipp receives no remuneration) and donating these ongoing adventure books.
By contributing to this local literacy project, you become “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” and tell the world that you:
- Love Mudgy & Millie and eagerly await new stories
- Love your library and the joy of reading
- Support sending Mudgy & Millie on new adventures to make friends and learn about new places
- Are committed to raising lifelong readers who love books
Our Sponsors
Hot Air Balloon Sponsors
- Dr. Mary Sanderson
Feather Baton Sponsors
- Wells Fargo Bank
Rhyming Drum Sponsors
- Discovery Map CDA
Where do the funds go?
- Illustrator fees for the amazing original art (by Charles Reasoner) featured in each book
- Publishing costs
- Free paperback editions for young children in our town and surrounding communities
- Community events to promote reading and the Library
What’s in it for you?
- A vinyl “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
- Underwriting credit on the Mudgy & Millie website and at Library events
- Complete set of autographed hardback books plus each new Mudgy & Millie Adventure when published
- The knowledge you’re helping make our community kinder, more adventurous, and literate
How do I sponsor?
- Contact the Foundation at 208-769-2380, or send an email to cdalibraryfoundation@gmail.com
The Coeur d’Alene Public Library Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) entity. Your contribution is deductible from federal and state taxes, and it also qualifies for Idaho state tax credit.
“Friends of Mudgy & Millie” Sponsor Options
Adventure Sponsor
- Most prominent acknowledgement on Mudgy & Millie website
- Two complete sets of autographed hardback books plus each new Mudgy & Millie Adventure Book when published
- Mudgy & Millie Plush
- “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
Yikers Sponsor
- Acknowledgement on the website, just below the Adventure sponsor
- A complete set of autographed hardback books plus each new
Mudgy & Millie Adventure Book when published - Mudgy & Millie Plush
- “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
Hot Air Balloon Sponsor
- Acknowledgement on the website
- A complete set of autographed hardback books plus each new
Mudgy & Millie Adventure Book when published - Mudgy & Millie Plush
“Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
Feather Baton Sponsor
- Acknowledgement on the website
- Mudgy & Millie Plush
- “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
Rhyming Drum Sponsor
- Acknowledgement on the website
- “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business
Boomerang Sponsor
Your choice of donation, over $50
- “Friends of Mudgy & Millie” window sticker to proudly display at your business